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A case of Laser Surgery for Piles

Case Studies

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A case of Laser Surgery for Piles

An Overview of the Case

The patient visited Dr. Christopher SK, who is considered the best laser surgeon in Tamil Nadu. The patient had bowel difficulty and complained of severe itching and pain in the bowel region. Dr. Christopher diagnosed the condition and suggested Laser Surgery for Piles for complete relief. The patient decided to go forward with the Laser Surgery, and after the surgery, the patient found complete relief from her problems and was allowed to go home the next day. The surgery helped the patient and the procedure was very smooth without any pain or bleeding. The patient is now much more healthy and comfortable in performing the daily activities and moving around.

  • Anonymous
  • 60
  • female

Symptoms shown by the Patient

  • Bowel Difficulty
  • Feeling of constipation
  • pain in bowel area

Medical Tests Performed

  • Laser Surgery for Piles