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What is fissure and how to heal from it?

Fissures are very common in children, but they can happen to anyone at any age. Many people in Tirunelveli visit us with their complications regarding fissures. We have seen some of them were in sever trouble due to fissure.

Fissures are very common in children, but they can happen to anyone at any age. Many people in Tirunelveli visit us with their complications regarding fissures. We have seen some of them were in sever trouble due to fissure. Simple remedies, such as increased fibre intake, drinking plenty of water, can help you to heal in most cases. But in severe cases, anal fissures may require medication or surgery. Dr. Christopher have already treated many patients suffering from the disease. He is an expert gastroenterologist in Tirunelveli. 

So, let us learn from the expert about the fissure and tis treatment.   

When you try to excrete hard or large stools during a bowel movement, a slight tear may occur in the moist tissue of your anus. This little tear is known as anal fissure. Pressure and bleeding with bowel movements are common symptoms of anal fissures. 

What are the signs and symptoms of anal fissures?

The following are signs and symptoms of an anal fissure:

  • During bowel movements, there is pain, which can be very intense.
  • Pain that lasts for several hours after bowel movements.
  • During your bowel movement, there you can see blood on the stool. 
  • There can be a noticeable crack in the tissue around your anus.
  • You may see a small lump around the anal fissure.

Now let us see the reason for developing anal fissures.

The following are some of the most common causes of anal fissure:

  • Stools that are big or hard to move
  • Constipation and painful bowel movements
  • Diarrhea that persists for a long time
  • Anal intercourse
  • The birth of a child

The following causes, which are not so common, can also cause anal fissures:

  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Anal cancer 
  • HIV infection
  • Tuberculosis 

So how does our gastroenterologist in Tirunelveli performs the diagnosis?

Our doctor will inquire about your medical history. Along with that, he will conduct a physical examination. It will include a gentle review of your anal area. If you have acute anal fissures, you will experience a fresh tear, similar to a paper cut. However, a persistent anal fissure will have a larger tear and fleshy growths inside or outside. If your fissure lasts for more than eight weeks, it is a chronic condition. Upon examination, if our doctor finds that the fissure is on the side of the anal opening, it can be an indication of Crohn’s disease. Then he may suggest further tests as well. These tests may include-

  • Anoscopy: It is a medical term that refers to a tubular tool designed to examine your anus. Our gastroenterologist will insert this tool into your anus to check the inner part.
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy: If your age is below 50 and you do not have any intestinal diseases or colon cancer, we may recommend you this test. Flexible sigmoidoscopy is a thin, flexible tube with a tiny camera.
  • Colonoscopy: If your age is more than 50 years, and you have signs of other diseases like colon cancer, our doctor may suggest a colonoscopy. 

So, what are the treatments available for fissures?

Clinically we have two types of treatment available for fissures. These are surgical and non-surgical treatments. In case your complications are not so severe, our doctor can suggest the following non-surgical options: 

Nitroglycerin: We prescribe it to add externally to improve blood flow to the fissure. It facilitates healing and relaxes the anal sphincter. When other traditional remedies for fissure fails, then we recommend nitroglycerin. 

Topical anesthetic creams: To provide you relief from pain, topical anesthetic creams such as lidocaine hydrochloride is very useful.

Blood pressure medications: Our gastroenterologist may prescribe you oral blood pressure medicines. These medications will help you relieve the anal sphincter. However, surgical treatment is also available. 

Like, the chronic fissure that is resistant to other medications or if your symptom is severe. Our doctor generally performs a lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) operation. Here, we cut a small portion of your anal sphincter muscle to relieve spasms and facilitate healing. According to research, surgery is much more successful than any other medical procedure for chronic fissures. However, there are near to zero side effects. 


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